Birth Services

Emma & Sam
The course gave me the confidence to self-advocate in midwife/consultant appointments, and to stay calm throughout a long labour – so calm, in fact, that the midwife (who was in the process of telling me how I’d need to go home and wait longer), was clearly surprised when she checked my cervix and reported that I was already 7cms dilated and ready to be admitted to the Midwife Led Unit!
Postnatal Doulaing

I knew I wanted a different experience second time round but I never expected to feel such calm and happiness. And this was down to Lucy and Gabs.
I can’t recommend them highly enough. All you mammas owe it to yourselves to be looked after before, during and after having your babies and these two wonderful women are the best out there to do just that.
Placenta Encapsulation

Amazing service, my placenta was transformed into a very tasty smoothie on the day of my son's birth (I was worried it would taste the placenta, but it really did only taste of yummy fruit - (phew!)) and I received the capsules a day later in beautifully gift wrapped box with placenta print and cord keepsake too. The pills helped me to feel calmer and more balanced, and I wasn't tearful like I was with my first birth. I also noticed I only bled for a week this time, last time was 5 weeks. I believe this was a direct result of these magic pills.
Three step rewind for birth trauma recovery

I cant believe how well this worked. I was able to go into a hospital appointment without becoming emotional and tearful. But the best part is that for the first time ever I got to appreciate the birth of my son, with no story attached. It was lovely.
Birth Doula

Rachel & Jarwow
Thanks to Lucy and Gabs, I was able to give birth without any drugs or interventions and this meant that our daughter had a smooth and un-traumatic entry into the world. We highly recommend these fantastic doulas and their birth services to any expectant mothers.
Group Hypnobirthing Course

Anna & Chris
We were incredibly lucky with the birth of our baby girl. It all unfolded calmly and naturally and everything we learnt from the course helped us at every stage, from simple massage techniques, natural oils and positive visualisations to manage each contraction. We cannot recommend the course highly enough if you are looking for a natural approach to childbirth and we hope lots of new parents get to benefit from the support and guidance of Lucy and Gabs.